The Walking Cane was added in The End Is Nigh update.The Walking Cane can be found on a Set Piece and taken at will.In Don't Starve Together, the speed multiplier is product of all multiplier of equipped items and roads and characters.This can further be increased with WX-78's overload or Wolfgang's mighty speed boost. One can stack the speed bonus with the Magiluminescence to have a total increase of 45% movement speed while both items are worn, which means that while on a road, the player will have a 75% speed boost. I havent played single player one at all, started only from COOP one, and I started it, emmm 15-th of december as I remember, and I already can tell, that it is nos so hard game, it took me about 5-6 normal games and dozen of hours on Dont Starve wiki to figure out how not to die on 9-th day.The Walking Cane can also be used while sailing on Boats, providing the same speed boost. However it can be obtained using the Slot Machine, or as loot from the Quacken. In the Shipwrecked DLC, since MacTusk is not present, the Walking Cane cannot be crafted. The Walking Cane can be used to craft the The Lazy Explorer.
#Dont starve wiki commands Pc
However, it has an infinite durability, so it can be swung indefinitely. Released Platforms March 2013 (PC) (PSN) ( out now) (Xbox One) Ap(Switch) PC PlayStation 3/4/Vita Xbox One. The Walking Cane can also be used as a weapon, although it is amongst the weakest in the game, as it only deals half the damage of a Spear when used as a weapon. This is amplified by both natural and Cobblestone roads, for a combined increase of movement speed by 55%, allowing players to outrun any mob in the game, apart from Enraged Moslings. The Walking Cane's speed boost puts the character on the same level as many other creatures who could otherwise outrun them, including followers like Chester or Pigs. It increases the character's movement speed by 25% while equipped. It requires 1 Walrus Tusk, 2 Gold Nuggets, and 4 Twigs to craft, and an Alchemy Engine to prototype. The Walking Cane is a Dress item, which can also be used as a weapon.
You feel an evil presence watching you.